The Westgreen Way
Our aim is to be regarded by customers, consultants, personnel and our supply chain as a market leading main contractor in the high-end sectors that Westgreen operates within. The company seeks continuous improvement in
all that we do and wishes to engender an environment where excellence in service and results prevail, innovation is promoted and talent is nurtured and channelled for the good of the company, our personnel, supply chain and ultimately our customers.
We wish to treat our clients and their representatives as customers to whom we offer and deliver an excellent service. We also aim to similarly engage internally so that personnel and our supply chain feel valued. Customer care, internal and external, is a key consideration in our endeavours. As an integral part of the company structure, the Special Projects & Aftercare Department embodies the principles of the Westgreen service delivery to embrace all of the following:
Always do the right thing, repeatedly, and ‘right’ will prevail.
Health & Safety
The safety and wellbeing of all who come into contact with our operations is our number one priority. We promote and expect first class health and safety standards in all that we do.
Customer Focused
Our customers and their representatives are at the centre of our business and effectively our employers. Without our customers we do not have a business and our focus is on delivering a positive customer experience. Look to build loyalty, trust and confidence in the level of service we provide. Work hard to understand and embrace our customers’ needs, treating those representing our customers as customers too.
Long Lasting Relationships
Work on building strong, harmonious relations with customers, customer teams, colleagues and our supply chain.
Always deliver a high-quality product. The product of our service (i.e. the properties that we care for) is our ultimate legacy. Great quality and a defect-free product remains our routine objective.
Maintain high standards of personal presentation whilst in attendance at your property.
When ‘on stage’, reflect all the values and objectives highlighted above, including a consistent brand Identity.
Be the best you can be, always.
Solution’s Orientated
A long standing company ethos has been ‘Smile & Solve’. Challenges inevitably arise, however, promote and embrace solutions and the longer-term partnerships that this approach can bring. Deliver best-possible outcomes.
Reliability, Trustworthiness & Confidentiality
Our commitments are to be met both personally and as a company. We aim to be seen as ‘A Safe Pair of Hands’ providing an unobtrusive presence in all that we do.
Equality & Diversity
Welcome individuals as you find them. Be yourself and allow others to be themselves.
Treat everybody equally and treat them well, as you would like to be treated.
Embrace and value diversity as this harnesses talent and provides opportunity.
Calmness & Politeness
Always stay calm, avoid verbal and written inflammatory confrontation. Solve challenges - calmly assess from your base of knowledge and experience to provide resolution. When communicating in writing, never use CAPITALS (shouting) or red font.
Uphold the highest of standards both personally and company-wide through our knowledge, integrity and care of service to our customers. Be competent, skilful, and assured.
The above sets out the developed cultural objectives of this company and the departments contained within. These qualities should be embraced, learnt and delivered upon in all that we do.