Alvaro Barrington at Corvi-Mora, London

Installation view from Alvaro Barrington: Garvey 2: THE REUP, Corvi-Mora, London, 2022 Courtesy the artist and Corvi-Mora
Photography: Marcus Leith
Mock-Up Images: Clarke Construction Essex Limited

Westgreen were introduced to Alvaro Barrington's studio through the connection of architect & artist Sumayya Vally. This initial introduction paved the way for Westgreen’s collaboration and engagement with Alvaro Barrington's artistic endeavors in both London & New York Galleries.

Working with Westgreen has made the seemingly impossible come to life. Their team brought extraordinary precision, care, and patience to two complex projects, both of which were executed seamlessly and efficiently. Westgreen’s professionalism and deep production knowledge is a rare combination, as is their expertise within a fine art context.
— Sara Roffino, Alvaro Barrington Studio

Sumayya Vally, Notting Hill Carnival Pavilion


Alvaro Barrington, New York